Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Resistance is futile

Welcome to __Inner Space__

During my last 30 years, as I've slowly emerged from the fog of adolescence and young adulthood, it is only now, in my mid 40's, that I feel comfortable enough to begin writing about life on earth and where I think we're headed as a species.  I've been watching and listening a long time and now I'm ready to talk.  

First things first, my blog name.  Inner Space is where civilization will eventually end up, if we don't destroy ourselves first.  That's a big if and many of my topics will address the existential risk we humans face as we travel towards this future destiny.  Inner Space will be our new home in the not to distance future, once we transcend our physical bodies, and it will be wonderful.  It will happen and resistance will be futile. Throughout various post, I'll try to paint a picture on how we'll get there and the hiccups we'll experience along the way.

Please hold on!  This train is departing the station.